How Often Should You Change Liquid Cooling PC? Things You Should Know About Liquid Cooling PC

You may not need to change your PC’s liquid coolant if it is a completely sealed system, but you need to change it if your PC is not sealed. Liquid cooling can provide better heat dissipation within your computer system than air cooling, thus allowing higher device performance without you thinking about overheating. The issue here is that liquid can be more effective than air in heat dissipation, but water conducts electricity; hence a leak can lead to short circuits that can increase risks of electric shocks and fire outbreaks. The risks associated with water cooling increases each year, especially when you fail to change it.

So How Often Should I Change the Cooling Liquid in my PC?

Computer experts recommend changing your PC cooling liquid every 6 to 12 months.

What Are The Different Kinds Of PC Eater Cooling Systems

While the experts recommend changing liquid cooling in your PC every 6 to 12 months, it is even better if you change it earlier than that. There are two basic types of liquid cooling options in PC, these are;

  • Custom Loop, and
  • Closed-loop

1. Custom Loop

The custom loop is the more expensive option for cooling your PC, and it is also the better performing option of the two. This type of cooling allows each PC component to have its dedicated cooling radiator, which allows more extensive heat transfer than the other design where components have to share a single radiator. With this design, each component will also require a dedicated pump and reservoir; hence it can be expensive to install this option even though it is the best.

2. The Closed Loop

This is a liquid PC cooling system whereby a sealed system is deployed, and no maintenance is required here. Instead of a dedicated radiator for each part, this system relies on a small radiator of low-performance rating. While the liquid coolant is efficient in dissipating heat from your computer’s component, your device may be susceptible to over-heating under heavier loads.

For instance, if you overclock your computer, the heat generated may be too much for this liquid cooling system to handle. It is also important to remember that maintenance-free closed loops also stand the same risks of a custom loop liquid cooling system.

What Are The Types Of Problems Associated With Liquid Cooling Systems For PC?

All liquid cooling systems operate by dissipating heat from computer components into a radiator where the fans can then blow air across to cause an evaporation of that liquid dissipating heat from your computer components. You may have to think about specific issues that may arise, especially when you don’t maintain the liquid cooling system properly;

1. Faulty Radiators

The radiator of all liquid cooling systems for the PC is the most critical component. The radiator determines how well your computer components cool off, especially under continuous heavy load. Keep in mind that radiator qualities can be different between manufacturers and suppliers; hence some radiators can be more efficient in dissipating heat than others, and that can force you to overclock your device beyond its maximum capacity. Poor radiators can also lead to the heat exchangers performing so severely; hence you must pay attention to these components.

2. Faulty Pumps

The quality of the pump will also determine how often you will have to replace the liquid cooling system. The pump is the component that moves liquid around the cooling system. If the pump in the system is not generating sufficient pressure, this will lead to multiple components using the same radiator instead of each having its dedicated radiator. This will lead to the liquid cooling loop heating up quickly, especially under more load, and that means you may have to replace the PC cooling liquid sooner than planned.

3. Problems with the Coolant

One more factor that may determine how soon you change your PC cooling liquid is the coolant itself. Most liquid coolants are made from propylene glycol or ethylene glycol as the base, then the manufacturers add some dyes and some anti-corrosion additives to keep the integrity of computer metals intact and prevent corrosion within the system.

Since water is a substance that remains unregulated, it is quite common to see manufacturers creating different forms of coolants and promoting them in the market; this has led to higher risks of coolant failures, especially if you are unsure of the source of the cooling liquid you are buying.

Other Things You Should Know About Liquid Cooling For Your PC

The following are some other things you should know about liquid cooling for your PC;

1. How Long will Your Liquid Coolant Last?

In most cases, liquid coolants often last for between 3 and 5 years. Fortunately, you can prolong the lifespan of the coolant by changing it every 6-12 months, depending on its effectiveness. It would be best to consider cleaning the system’s radiator monthly.

2. Is There a Better Way of Cooling the Liquid Cleaning System?

Mineral deposits will eventually block the cooling channels inside the PC cooling loop, leading to a decrease in performance over time. There are recommended bleach substances for cleaning the cooling system. To create the bleaching cleaner, you have to mix two cups of bleach with a cup of vinegar and let the mix sit in the system for about 5 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

3. How Easy or Difficult is it to Maintain Liquid Cooling for PC?

Liquid cooling can be more challenging to maintain than air cooling for PC, though both still require some monitoring of the same level. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of maintaining the liquid cooling system is draining it, especially after removing your components, so they don’t rust on their own. You may want to avoid tap water or any other type of prepared or standing water to prevent the system from being contaminated by external sources. Water contaminants may also destroy or render some internal PC components less efficient after exposure.

4. What are the Maintenance Requirements for Liquid Cooling for PC?

When it comes to maintenance cleaning of the PC cooling system, you must avoid the use of tap water, and you must also clean the system’s radiator monthly.

Due to the minerals found in tap water, it is advisable to avoid them completely. You may want to use distilled water or water obtained from reversed osmosis filtered, and both of these can be purchased at low prices at your local grocery store.

It would be best if you considered cleaning your cooling system monthly unless you discover a sharp decline in its performance, then you may want to take it to a technician for a thorough check. In most cases, you may have to drain the coolant and refill it with a new one if the system’s performance drops significantly.

Other Reasons To Use Liquid Cooling Instead Of Air Cooling For Your PC

In addition to providing higher levels of efficiency and improvement in overclocking potential, there are many other reasons why liquid cooling is more acceptable than 1air cooling;

1. Liquid Cooling Sustains Cooler Temperature Longer

Your PC has the tendency to get hot quickly, especially as it ages or when the outside weather is hot. While the air coolant relies on the ambient air around it to push cool air through the system, it is more suitable only when your computer is moderately used and is not under heavy load. While air cooling fans only respond when heat is generated, liquid cooling sustains lower temperatures all the time.

2. Liquid Cooling will Take Less Space

Air cooling fans take more space than liquid cooling systems, and that means they create bulkier cases for computers. Though liquid cooling takes less space than an air cooling system, their design can be more complex because of numerous components like pumps, radiators, and hoses.

3. Liquid Cooling System is Great for Both Warmer and Cooler Climates

If you live in a region of higher ambient weather conditions, you will know how quickly your computer heats up, especially when you add heavy games to your activity. In most cases, air-cooled PCs still shut down frequently despite the continuous working of the fans, but this is not the case with liquid-cooled computers. Since liquid cooling systems work continuously, there is no need to worry about a system shut down due to over-heating.


Changing your liquid cooling for your PC should depend on the PC’s performance; this means that even if the PC is performing optimally, you should consider changing the coolant at least once a year. There are many other benefits of liquid coolants you should consider; for instance, it creates less noise in PCs that work too hard. Since the liquid coolant takes care of most of the heat, the fan will rotate at lower speeds; hence you hear less noise. Heavy GPUs and other components that generate more heat also perform better with liquid coolants than air coolants.

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David Huner
David Huner
David Huner is a tech lover. After completing his graduation from the University Of Phoenix, he started gather his knowledge mostly on latest technologies that keeps his life smart and cool. Now he wants to spread his knowledge with people who loves technologies.

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