How To Get Water Out Of iPhone Camera: A Guide

Are you wondering how to get water out of iPhone camera? iPhone is one of the most popular brands globally. 

However, most iPhones are water-resistant, not waterproof. For this reason, there is a high probability that moisture will find its way into the phone. 

Eventually, the iPhone camera will have condensation on the lens, making it difficult to take quality pics. 

Drying out the camera can be difficult if you have no idea what to do. In most cases, people spend a small fortune getting their phones fixed. This article will offer options for removing water from an iPhone camera.

How To Get Water Out Of iPhone Camera

There are three simple ways to remove water from an iPhone camera. First, completely submerge the phone into a sack of Rice for 24 hours or more. Allow the phone to remain in the Rice for another day if there is still some water after 24 hours.

If you don’t have a phone with an inbuilt battery, then remove the battery. Then leave the phone in a dry, warm area for some days. If none of the methods above work, dismantle the iPhone and wipe the moisture off.  

Option 1: Leave iPhone In Rice

That is one of the simplest tricks that many overlook. Leaving a damp phone in Rice works wonders. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Take a sack, bowl, or any plastic container and fill it with uncooked and dry Rice.
  2. Take the damp iPhone and cover it completely with the Rice. Don’t leave any part uncovered.
  3. Leave the phone for 24 hours or more. It all depends on how long it takes the water to drain out of the iPhone and camera.

Rice is known for its absorption power. It will eventually saturate with the moisture from the phone, leaving your iPhone dry and your camera clear.

Option 2: Remove The iPhone Battery

This process is only applicable for phones that don’t have inbuilt batteries. Once you realize that the camera has some moisture, the phone has some water. 

In this case, remove the battery from the phone. Water in an electric system such as a phone will result in a short circuit. 

Once you’ve removed the battery, leave the phone to sit in a dry and warm area. Make sure the area is free from humidity and unnecessary traffic.

Option 3: Dismantle The iPhone

If you are considering disassembly, make sure you understand the workings of an iPhone. That is a risky option, and it requires the basic know-how of an iPhone’s hardware.

Place the dismantled phone where there is some sunlight but not in direct sunlight. That might be harmful to your phone. It should be dry in a few hours or more. Make sure to check regularly.

Option 4: Consult A Professional

The best way to remove any water from an iPhone is to visit a prepared shop. You will have a better chance of saving your phone if a pro handles the process. 

The DIY methods are usually sufficient and will save you some money. But, if money is not an issue or you feel like you are not equipped enough to handle the situation, take it to a repair shop.

However, make sure it is a genuine repair store. Some repair ‘experts’ will do more harm than good. An Apple shop is the best pick. 

What Not To Do To A Wet iPhone Camera

Now that we know the steps to take to dry a wet iPhone camera, here are things you should NOT do.

  • Do not use blow dryers on your phone. Although it will work to a certain level, you risk overheating the phone, causing more damage. Besides, in case of severe water submerging, blow-drying will cause conversation, eventually turning to water. That postpones the inevitable. 
  • Do not place your iPhone in a freezer. Although it is scientifically proven that water is less conductive near the freezing point, it will eventually thaw. That is a risky and temporary solution.
  • Do not place your phone in a microwave. That should be a no-brainer. However, just in case you were thinking about it, don’t. If you choose to ignore this, you will damage your phone, To put it mildly.

How To Waterproof iPhones

There is no way to avoid water. We use it every day for different purposes. That means our phones will always be at risk of falling into liquid.

There are, however, certain precautions you may take to keep your phone secure. While you’re busy with your day, here are some ideas for waterproofing. For your iPhone, here are some waterproofing recommendations.

Buy a waterproof iPhone cover

One of the best ways to keep your phone safe from the effects of water is a waterproof cover. This simple-to-use case lets users place their phone inside while sealing it from moisture.

The case has an airtight container design that you can use on the beach, swimming pools, etc. However, it is bulky and can be an inconvenience to some. But it is a price you can pay for the safety of your phone. 

iPhone Nano Glazing 

This technical development has enabled phones to be waterproof without using a case. A phone is placed in a vacuum chamber and then glazed with waterproof nanoparticles that form a thin film around the phone.

The best part about nano glazing is that you still maintain the fictionality of the phone. The buttons and screens of the phones remain fictional and reachable despite the film.

Regardless, avoid submerging a nano-glazed iPhone. This type of waterproofing is best for humid and rainy environments.

iPhone Dry Pocket

That is an affordable option for waterproofing iPhones. It is a bag designed to keep phones dry in wet conditions. It is ideal for submergence of up to three feet of liquid. 

Unfortunately, you will limit the functionality of your phone due to the design of the bag. If you are underwater and want to take pictures, they will be low-quality images. Nonetheless, you can carry your phone in rainy, snowy, or humid conditions without worrying.

iPhone Waterproof Adhesive 

A phone adhesive acts as a second skin to the phone. It maintains the phone’s functionality while protecting it from moisture. Its structure is close to nano glazing, except it is cheaper.

Cost aside, this waterproofing method is not as reliable as its counterparts. It is not durable, limiting access to some ports, such as the charging ports. It also covers the speakers of the phone, producing low-quality sound.

As much as we would like to live a carefree life as far as our phones are concerned, it’s impossible. 

There is no waterproof method that is completely waterproof. Most of the methods named above will not save your phone from water 100%. 

The best way is to be careful. Avoid using your phone near water bodies or in rainy or snowy conditions. That is the only foolproof way to save your iPhone from water damage. 

Tips To Keep Your iPhone Safe From Water

 How to keep your phone safe from water damage there are some basic steps you can take. They are very affordable options, and in most cases, it is free.

  •  Always keep your phone in a safe and secure place near water. That applies to large water bodies such as a swimming pool near the beach or a sink or tub full of water. You can avoid water damage if you leave a phone on the shelf or car at the beach.
  • Always hold your phone firmly. One of the reasons phones fall into the water and other liquids are carelessness. Always hold the phone firmly when there is water nearby. Even when there is no water nearby, it is good practice to keep it safe.
  • Use Bluetooth earbuds and headphones when Jn is in moist and wet conditions. That will save your phone from water damage. Bluetooth earbuds are the best option since the phone is tucked away even when receiving and making calls.
  • Always place your phone in your bag or purse instead of pockets when rainy. That will ensure water doesn’t get to the phone while walking. Pockets are also risky because you can sit on your phone or do laundry with your phone still in your pocket.


You should have a general idea of how to get water out of iPhone camera by now. Water in iPhone cameras is not a strange occurrence; it’s pretty common. However, you can easily remove it from the steps above. 

Most of the materials needed are within your home. All you need is some time and a little elbow grease. However, the best option is a repair shop. The iPhone will be in safer hands, and the process will be faster than any DIY process. Although it will cost you more, it is the best choice. 

David Huner
David Huner
David Huner is a tech lover. After completing his graduation from the University Of Phoenix, he started gather his knowledge mostly on latest technologies that keeps his life smart and cool. Now he wants to spread his knowledge with people who loves technologies.

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