Why Does My Phone Automatically Hang Up When I Call Someone?

In today’s fast-paced world, smartphones have become essential to our lives. They allow us to stay connected with others, access information, and perform various tasks on the go. 

However, it can be frustrating when our phone calls abruptly end without warning. This issue, commonly referred to as call dropping, has puzzled many smartphone users. 

Understanding the reasons behind this problem is crucial to finding a solution. In this article, we will look into the possible causes of why your phone automatically hangs up when you call someone and explore potential solutions to resolve this annoying issue.

Why Does Your Phone Automatically Hang Up When You Call Someone?

Poor network

We all know how frustrating it can be in an area with weak signal strength. The same goes for making calls. 

If your phone doesn’t have a strong network connection, it may struggle to maintain a stable call, resulting in frequent disconnections. So, the next time your call abruptly ends, blame it on the poor network!

Bad SIM card

A bad SIM card can also be the culprit behind your phone’s sudden hang-ups. A SIM card is a small chip that holds all your important data, including your phone number and contacts. 

If there’s an issue with your SIM card, such as physical damage or a faulty connection, it can disrupt the call and cause it to drop unexpectedly.

Outdated phone software

Like other electronic devices, phones require regular software updates to function optimally. If you’ve neglected those annoying software update notifications, it’s time to reconsider. 

Outdated phone software can lead to various glitches and performance issues, including sudden call disconnects.

Damaged SIM slot

The SIM card is essential for your phone to connect to the network and make calls. It is where you insert your SIM card into your phone. 

If this slot is damaged or loose, it can result in a poor connection between the SIM card and the phone, leading to call drops. This can be caused by physical damage or simply wear and tear over time

Battery saver is on

Battery-saver mode conserves battery life by limiting certain phone functions. While this can be useful in extending your battery life, it may also interfere with your phone’s ability to maintain a stable call connection. 

If you are using an iPhone, you should be familiar with this problem, where they tend to call drop when the battery is at critical levels. And this is because phone calls tend to use a lot of power.

Improper network settings

If your iPhone frequently disconnects calls using Wi-Fi or cellular data, the problem could be network settings. Improper network settings can also contribute to your phone hanging up during calls. 

Your phone relies on specific network settings to establish and maintain a connection with your service provider. If these settings are incorrect or outdated, it can result in poor quality or dropped calls.

Your device is overheating

When your phone overheats, the internal components, such as the processor, malfunction, leading to call drops. 

Overheating can also impact the phone’s connectivity, as it may interfere with the antenna’s ability to transmit and receive signals effectively. 

This often happens when you make a phone call after extensively using your phone for an extended period.

How To Fix The Problem

When facing network-related issues on your device, there are several steps you can take to fix the problem. These may include;

Reset network settings

When it comes to fixing network-related issues on your device, you can take a few steps to address the problem. One of the first things you can try is resetting your network settings. 

You can do this by going to the settings menu on your device, selecting “Settings,” and then choosing System > Advanced > Reset options. You can then choose Reset network settings and confirm your option. 

This would reset all your network settings, and it’s a great way of solving the problem if you are making calls via WI-FI.

Look for a place where there is good network coverage

Sometimes, the issue may be that you are in an area with a weak or no network signal. Moving to a different location can make a significant difference in such cases. 

Try going to an open space or a higher elevation where the signal strength is likely to be stronger. This can help improve your network connection and resolve any issues you are experiencing.

Update carrier settings

Carrier settings allow your device to connect to your carrier’s network. Your carrier periodically updates these settings to improve network performance and compatibility. 

Therefore, if you are not using the latest version in terms of settings, you might experience compatibility issues that may result in to call drop. 

To update your carrier settings, go to the settings menu on your device, select “General,” and then choose “About.” 

If an update is available, you will see a prompt to install it. Selecting this option will update your carrier settings and may help resolve any network-related issues you are facing.

Disable battery saver

If you have enabled battery saver mode on your device, it may be worth considering disabling it temporarily. Battery saver mode reduces your device’s performance and limits background data usage to conserve battery life. 

While this can be helpful when your battery is running low, it can also affect network connectivity. Disabling battery-saver mode can improve your network connection and resolve any issues you are experiencing.

Remove and reinsert your SIM

The SIM card is responsible for connecting your device to the cellular network. Sometimes, the issue may be due to a loose, dirty, or faulty SIM card. 

By removing, cleaning, and reinserting the SIM card, you can ensure it is properly seated and establish a better connection with the network. 

To do this, you must locate the SIM card tray on your device, usually found on the side or top. Use a SIM card ejector tool or a paperclip to gently push into the small hole on the tray and release it. 

Carefully remove the tray, take out the SIM card, and clean it using a dampened cloth with rubbing alcohol. Then reinsert it before sliding the tray back into place. Try making a phone call to see if the problem is fixed.

Allow your device to cool off

If you have been using your phone extensively or in a hot environment, give it time to cool down before making another call. It can help prevent overheating-related problems that may be causing the automatic hang-ups.

Fix your SIM slot

First, power off your phone and remove the SIM card. Inspect the SIM slot for any visible damage or debris. Gently clean the slot using compressed air or a soft brush. 

If the slot appears physically damaged, contact a professional technician for repair or consider replacing the phone. 

If there is no visible damage, reinsert the SIM card securely and power on your phone. Check to see if the issue is solved.

Restart your device

Restarting the device is one of the simplest yet effective solutions for various device-related problems. It is often recommended as a first-step troubleshooting method, as it can help resolve minor software glitches and improve overall performance. 

To restart your device, hold down the power button until a menu appears, offering options such as “Restart” or “Power Off.” Select the restart option to initiate the process, and the device will turn off and on again automatically. Try making a call to see if the problem is solved.

Update your device software 

Keeping your device software up to date is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and security. 

Manufacturers often release updates that contain bug fixes, security patches, and new features that can enhance the user experience. 

To update your device software, navigate to the settings menu and look for the “Software Update” or “System Update” option. 

If you select this option, your device will connect to the internet and search for the latest updates. 

If updates are available, follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the download and installation process if there is any available update. 

What Is Call Dropping?

Call dropping is when a phone call is abruptly disconnected or terminated unexpectedly. It occurs when the communication link between the caller and the recipient is interrupted or lost, leading to an immediate end of the call.


Now you have the answer to the question, why does my Phone automatically hang up when I call someone? The issue of a phone automatically hanging up when making a call can be frustrating and disruptive. 

While there can be various reasons behind this problem, it is important to troubleshoot and identify the root cause. 

Some possible causes include network issues, software glitches, or even hardware problems. By following the fixes mentioned here, you can often resolve and prevent the issue from recurring.

David Huner
David Huner
David Huner is a tech lover. After completing his graduation from the University Of Phoenix, he started gather his knowledge mostly on latest technologies that keeps his life smart and cool. Now he wants to spread his knowledge with people who loves technologies.

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