Why Is My Phone Clicking On Things By Itself? And How To Fix It

Why is my phone clicking on things by itself? It’s a question many smartphone users have had to ask themselves at one point. 

There’s no denying that smartphones have become indispensable to our lives. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, and even productivity. However, sometimes our phones seem to have their own mind – self-clicking on things.

It can be frustrating and perplexing, leaving you wondering why this happens. In this article, we will look into the possible reasons behind this phenomenon and explore potential solutions to regain control of your devices. 

So, if you’ve ever found yourself questioning why your phone is ghost-touching, keep reading to uncover the answers.

Why Is My Phone Clicking On Things By Itself?

Here are the possible reasons why your phone might be clicking on things by itself.

Cracked phone screen

A cracked screen can cause the touch sensors to malfunction, leading to unintended touches and clicks. 

When the screen is cracked, it may not accurately register the user’s touch, resulting in random clicks and interactions with the device. 

Cracks may also create pressure points on the screen, causing it to register touches even when you’re not physically interacting.

Butt dialing

Butt dialing occurs when the phone is in the pocket and unintentionally pressed against something, causing the touch screen to register false inputs. It can be particularly problematic when the phone is not locked or has a sensitive touch screen.

Extreme temperatures

Extreme temperatures, whether excessively hot or cold, can impact your phone’s touchscreen sensitivity and cause it to click on things by itself. 

High temperatures can cause the screen to expand, leading to false touches, while extremely cold temperatures can make the touch screen less responsive.

Software error

Software errors or glitches can also make your phone click on things by itself. These issues can arise from outdated software, incompatible apps, or bugs within the operating system.

Faulty charger

Using a faulty charger can sometimes lead to unexpected touchscreen behavior on your phone. A damaged charger may generate electrical interference, causing the screen to register false touches. 

When the charger is plugged in, it can introduce electromagnetic noise interfering with the touch screen’s normal operation. This interference can manifest as ghost touching or the screen responding to non-existent touches.

Faulty screen protector

Screen protectors are designed to protect your phone’s screen from scratches and damage, but if they are not properly installed. 

Or have become damaged over time, they can interfere with the screen’s touch sensitivity. Improper installation can create air bubbles on the screen, often triggering false touch.

Previous repair complications

If the issue started just after repairing your phone, there is a possibility that something went wrong during the repair process that is causing the issue you are experiencing now. It could be a loose connection or a poorly installed component.

For example, if the digitizer (the component responsible for touch detection) was not correctly connected during the repair, it could lead to ghost touching. Which is why taking your phone to certified technicians is always a good idea.

What Can You Do To Fix The Problem?

It can be incredibly frustrating when our phones start clicking on things themselves, disrupting our daily activities. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to fix this problem.

Find a new charger

Finding a new charger is essential if you suspect a faulty charger is causing your phone to click on things by itself.

Often, chargers can become damaged over time due to wear and tear or mishandling. By getting a new charger, you can ensure your device receives the proper power and avoid charging issues. 

Choosing a charger compatible with your device is important to avoid any compatibility issues or potential damage.

Take breaks between screen usage

Excessive and prolonged phone screen usage can sometimes lead to touchscreen issues. Continuous interaction with the screen can generate heat, and prolonged heat exposure may affect touch sensitivity and cause ghost touching. 

To alleviate this problem, take regular breaks from using your phone and allow it to cool down. This practice prevents overheating and helps reset the touch screen’s responsiveness.

Replace your screen protector

If you have a screen protector on your phone and suspect it may be causing the issue, consider replacing it. 

Remove the existing screen protector and clean the screen thoroughly. Then, apply a new, high-quality screen protector designed for your phone model. Ensure proper alignment and a smooth installation to avoid interference with the touch screen. 

A well-fitted and properly installed screen protector can enhance touch sensitivity and protect the screen from scratches without compromising functionality.

Update your device

Check for any software updates available for your phone and install them. Manufacturers often release updates to address bugs, glitches, and performance issues, including touchscreen responsiveness. 

Updating your device’s software can resolve software-related touchscreen problems and improve overall performance.

Get a new phone screen

If none of the previous steps have resolved the issue, and you’ve determined the touch screen is faulty, consider replacing the phone screen. 

Contact the manufacturer, authorized service center, or a reputable phone repair shop to inquire about screen replacement options. 

They can assess the problem and provide a suitable solution, whether replacing the entire screen assembly or just the touch panel component.

Keep your screen clean

Maintaining a clean screen is crucial for optimal touchscreen performance. Dirt, dust, oils, and smudges can interfere with sensitivity and cause false touch inputs. 

Regularly clean your phone’s screen using a microfiber cloth or a screen cleaning solution specifically designed for electronic devices. 

Gently wipe the screen to remove any debris or fingerprints. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that damage the screen’s surface.

What Is Pocket Dialing, And How Can You Stop It?

Pocket dialing, or butt dialing, refers to accidentally dialing a phone number while the device is in your pocket. 

It occurs when the buttons on the phone are pressed unintentionally due to pressure or friction against other objects. 

The consequences of pocket dialing can vary, from minor inconveniences such as accidental voicemail messages to more serious issues such as unintentional calls to emergency services. 

So how do you prevent pocket dialing? 

Lock your phone

To minimize the occurrence of pocket dialing, it is recommended to develop the practice of pressing the sleep or power button to lock your phone before stowing it away. 

IPhone and Android devices offer auto-lock and sleep settings, which can be conveniently accessed by going to the Settings menu and selecting Display or Display & Brightness. 

The specific terminology for this feature may vary slightly depending on the type of phone. However, commonly used labels include Sleep, Screen timeout, or Auto-Lock.

Restrict voice assistant when the screen is off

Whether you use Siri on your iPhone or Google Assistant on your Android device, your digital assistant is likely responsible for those occasional butt-dials. 

It is especially true if your phone is configured to continuously listen for trigger phrases like “Hey, Siri” or “OK, Google,” or if you can easily summon these assistants with a single button press even when the screen is locked.

It only takes a misinterpreted word or an accidental button press for your digital assistant to initiate a phone call without your intention. What you need to do is to restrict Siri and Google Assistant when the screen is off.

Use a lock screen timeout

You need to set a relatively short lock screen timeout on your phone so that the screen will automatically lock after a short period of inactivity. Having a shorter timeout reduces the chances of accidental touches and subsequent butt-dialing.

Enable pocket mode or proximity sensor

Many smartphones today have a pocket mode or a proximity sensor that detects when your phone is in a pocket or a bag. 

This feature can prevent accidental touches by deactivating the touch screen when it’s near your body. 

Check your phone’s settings to enable pocket mode or utilize the proximity sensor to minimize the chances of butt dialing.

Avoid storing your phone in tight pockets

If you frequently experience butt dialing, avoid storing your phone in tight pockets. Tight pockets can pressure the phone’s buttons or touch screen, increasing the likelihood of accidental touches and calls. 

Opt for looser pockets or carry your phone in a bag or purse to minimize the chances of unintentional dialing.


The issue of a phone clicking on things by itself can be pretty frustrating and puzzling. However, understanding the possible causes can help shed light on this behavior. 

And exploring the troubleshooting steps discussed above may help address the issue. If the problem persists, seeking professional assistance or contacting the phone manufacturer may provide further solutions.

David Huner
David Huner
David Huner is a tech lover. After completing his graduation from the University Of Phoenix, he started gather his knowledge mostly on latest technologies that keeps his life smart and cool. Now he wants to spread his knowledge with people who loves technologies.

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