How To Avoid Losing Cloud Data

You’ve all lost a file or photo at one point or another. It’s not a matter of if, but when. But you can avoid some major headaches if you take the right steps to protect yourself from losing your data—especially if you’re using cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox to keep track of files. Here are some ways below for data loss prevention as Software experts like Connectwise say,”Prevention is the best cure for data loss”.

Keep Your Files In More Than One Place

One of the easiest ways to avoid losing your data is by using more than one cloud service, storage location and device. This means that you should use services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon Cloud Drive and Microsoft OneDrive in addition to keeping your files on multiple computers and mobile devices.

In addition to this strategy working as an effective backup plan in case one backup fails or gets lost, it also offers a level of redundancy so that if one of your backups becomes corrupted or inaccessible due to user error or technical difficulties (such as a natural disaster), there are still others available for use.

Use International Data Centers

To protect your data, you might consider using cloud providers that have data centers in multiple countries. This is a good idea if your company wants to ensure that its cloud resources are available around the clock. If there is an outage and your provider’s main facility loses power or becomes otherwise unavailable, all of their customers’ data will not be affected because it is mirrored in multiple locations. Additionally, if one area experiences political unrest or natural disasters like floods or earthquakes (such as you saw recently in Japan), then at least some of their customers’ data should remain accessible from another location.

Make Sure Your Devices Are Encrypted

Encryption is a great way to protect your data. It can help prevent unauthorized access, but it can also protect against theft and deletion. Encrypted devices are harder to hack into than unencrypted ones, so you’re more likely to keep your data safe from people who want it badly enough.

But if you’re going to encrypt your devices, then you’ll need encryption software that can handle all of the data on those devices too, not just the files themselves or their contents (like text documents). Otherwise, it might be impossible for users like yourself who need access both within their own organizations as well as externally across their entire communities.

Backup Files Offline

If you’re not up to speed on how cloud storage works, here’s the short version: Cloud services are generally used for storing and accessing files from anywhere in the world. Everything is pushed online, so you can get at your stuff from any device with an internet connection. It’s nice because it gets rid of the need to carry around hard drives or other physical storage devices but it also means that your data is vulnerable if something goes wrong with your internet connection during an important moment.

The last thing you want to do is lose your data. If you can, always keep backups in more than one place and encrypt them. If at all possible, store files offline on a device that isn’t connected to the internet, so if something happens with your cloud storage provider or provider goes out of business there will still be access to your files.

David Huner
David Huner
David Huner is a tech lover. After completing his graduation from the University Of Phoenix, he started gather his knowledge mostly on latest technologies that keeps his life smart and cool. Now he wants to spread his knowledge with people who loves technologies.

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